Accelerated Design of Redox-Active Polymers for Metal-Free Batteries

Project Personnel

Jodie Lutkenhaus

Principal Investigator

Stuart Rowan

Daniel Tabor

Juan De Pablo

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET), Division of Chemistry (CHE)

Growth in electrified transportation and grid-scale energy storage has been accompanied by increased demand for lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. This has caused an increase in world-wide demand of strategic metals such as cobalt and lithium, for which the US does not have deep reserves. To address this challenge, this project envisions metal-free, recyclable, organic batteries based upon redox-active, radical-containing polymers using a multi-disciplinary data-centric approach. The project also bears impact on other potential application areas opening the door to metal-free electronics, memory storage, and spintronics. This project will provide educational training opportunities in synthetic chemistry, polymer science, electrochemistry, and computational chemistry and physics specific to organic batteries. Education and outreach activities will be jointly developed and deployed at The University of Chicago’s No Small Matter Molecular Engineering Fair, Texas A&M University’s Physics & Engineering Festival, and other venues. Workforce development is planned through participant mentoring and workshops targeted to industrial, academic, and government researchers.


Structural, Ionic, and Electronic Properties of Solid-State Phthalimide-Containing Polymers for All-Organic Batteries
R. Alessandri, C. Li, S. Keating, K. T. Mohanty, A. Peng, J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. J. Rowan, D. P. Tabor, and J. J. de Pablo
Charge Transfer in Spatially Defined Organic Radical Polymers
T. Ma, E. Fox, M. Qi, C. Li, K. A. N. Sachithani, K. Mohanty, D. P. Tabor, E. B. Pentzer, and J. L. Lutkenhaus
Nonconjugated Redox-Active Polymers: Electron Transfer Mechanisms, Energy Storage, and Chemical Versatility
T. Ma, A. D. Easley, R. M. Thakur, K. T. Mohanty, C. Wang, and J. L. Lutkenhaus
Water-coupled monovalent and divalent ion transport in polyviologen networks
A. D. Easley, K. Mohanty, and J. L. Lutkenhaus
Imagining circular beyond lithium-ion batteries
A. D. Easley, T. Ma, and J. L. Lutkenhaus
Ionic Effect on Electrochemical Behavior of Water-Soluble Radical Polyelectrolytes
Y. Shi, C. J. Mudugamuwa, T. N. Abeysinghe, Y. S. M. Alotaibi, M. J. Monteiro, J. M. Chalker, J. L. Lutkenhaus, and Z. Jia

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Research Highlights

Solid-state Phthalimide-containing Polymers for All-organic Batteries
J. Lutkenhaus, D. Tabor (Texas A&M University) S. Rowan, J. De Pablo (U. Chicago)
Metal-free Aqueous Energy Storage Electrodes
Jodie Lutkenhaus and Daniel Tabor

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)