Accelerated Data-Driven Discovery of Ion-Conducting Materials

Project Personnel

Yifei Mo

Principal Investigator

Lianging Hu

Sossina Haile

Christopher Marvel

Martin Harmger

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR)

Oxides with fast ion-conduction are crucial components for a wide range of applications including batteries and solid-oxide fuel cells, which are needed for societal adoption of renewable energy technologies. However, progress in the research and development of ion-conducting ceramics has been sluggish, as time-consuming synthesis and sintering act as a bottleneck to new materials discovery. 

The project team will leverage their ultra-high-temperature synthesis technique that can rapidly sinter oxide materials in about 10 seconds, integrated with computational modeling and high-throughput measurements, to accelerate the discovery and design of novel oxide materials. The integrated closed-loop framework will advance a general paradigm for materials design and discovery in a fraction of the time of conventional discovery. Through this project, novel sodium-ion conducting materials will be discovered, which can be used for sodium batteries as economic, environmental-friendly, and sustainable alternatives to lithium-ion batteries for renewable energy storage. In addition, this project will leverage the interdisciplinary research program to create unique educational opportunities for a diverse group of graduate, undergraduate, K-12 students, and under-represented minorities.


Halide Heterogeneous Structure Boosting Ionic Diffusion and High‐Voltage Stability of Sodium Superionic Conductors
J. Fu, S. Wang, D. Wu, J. Luo, C. Wang, J. Liang, X. Lin, Y. Hu, S. Zhang, F. Zhao, W. Li, M. Li, H. Duan, Y. Zhao, M. Gu, T. Sham, Y. Mo, and X. Sun
Design principles for sodium superionic conductors
S. Wang, J. Fu, Y. Liu, R. S. Saravanan, J. Luo, S. Deng, T. Sham, X. Sun, and Y. Mo
Emerging Halide Superionic Conductors for All-Solid-State Batteries: Design, Synthesis, and Practical Applications
H. Kwak, S. Wang, J. Park, Y. Liu, K. T. Kim, Y. Choi, Y. Mo, and Y. S. Jung

Research Highlights

Design Principles for Sodium Superionic Conductors
Yifei Mo (University of Maryland)
Design Principles for Sodium Superionic Conductors
Yifei Mo (University of Maryland)
Distributing Materials Science Classroom Kits for High School Students
Mo, Hu, Haile, Harmer, Marvel Univ. of Maryland, Northwestern Univ., Lehigh Univ.

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