Distributing Materials Science Classroom Kits for High School Students

The outcome of the computation, experiments, and iterative feedback loop from this project are integrated into multiple courses taught by the PIs. This integration of research and education enriches the educational experiences and outcomes for students, fostering a new generation of scientists and engineers equipped with advanced MGI skills in computational and experimental materials science.

This project is training multiple graduate students and undergraduate students in the STEM field. A number of them are from underrepresented groups in STEM fields. The Ph.D. students in this project are learning to effectively collaborate with other research students and research scientists to achieve the goal of accelerated materials discovery through the iterative feedback loop. These students have deepened their fundamental understanding of materials phenomena while developing their skills in collaborating with a team with a variety of expertise.

Students funded by this project also participate in other leadership organizations providing impacts to the scientific community and beyond. Activities conducted by these students include distributing STEM education kits to under-funded high schools, organizing professional development workshops for university students at conferences, and supporting underserved communities with technical assistance with grid modernization grants.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)