HybriD3: Discovery, Design, Dissemination of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronic Applications

Project Personnel

Volker Blum

Principal Investigator

David Mitzi

Co-Principal Investigator

Yosuke Kanai

Wei You

Kenan Gundogdu

Franky So

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)

The HybriD3 project focuses on crystalline hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductor materials, which offer a unique opportunity for the discovery and refinement of new functional semiconductors with fine-tuned properties, controlled at the atomic scale by organic chemistry and organic-inorganic synthesis and processing. The project accelerates the Design, Discovery and Dissemination (D3) of new crystalline organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductors in a collaborative effort between six teams of researchers located at three major universities in the Research Triangle: Duke University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.


Impact of Chiral Symmetry Breaking on Spin-Texture and Lone Pair Expression in Chiral Crystals of Hybrid Antimony and Bismuth Halides
A. E. Maughan, G. Koknat, P. C. Sercel, M. K. Jana, R. Brunecky, D. B. Mitzi, J. J. Berry, V. Blum, and M. C. Beard
Thickness control of organic semiconductor-incorporated perovskites
J. Y. Park, R. Song, J. Liang, L. Jin, K. Wang, S. Li, E. Shi, Y. Gao, M. Zeller, S. J. Teat, P. Guo, L. Huang, Y. S. Zhao, V. Blum, and L. Dou
Chiral Cation Doping for Modulating Structural Symmetry of 2D Perovskites
Y. Xie, J. Morgenstein, B. G. Bobay, R. Song, N. A. M. S. Caturello, P. C. Sercel, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi
Metal‐Halide Perovskite Lasers: Cavity Formation and Emission Characteristics
J. Moon, Y. Mehta, K. Gundogdu, F. So, and Q. Gu
Electronic Impurity Doping of a 2D Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskite by Bi and Sn
H. Lu, G. Koknat, Y. Yao, J. Hao, X. Qin, C. Xiao, R. Song, F. Merz, M. Rampp, S. Kokott, C. Carbogno, T. Li, G. Teeter, M. Scheffler, J. J. Berry, D. B. Mitzi, J. L. Blackburn, V. Blum, and M. C. Beard
Coherent Phonon‐Induced Modulation of Charge Transfer in 2D Hybrid Perovskites
D. Seyitliyev, X. Qin, M. K. Jana, S. M. Janke, X. Zhong, W. You, D. B. Mitzi, V. Blum, and K. Gundogdu
Chiral Perovskite Nanoplatelets with Tunable Circularly Polarized Luminescence in the Strong Confinement Regime
Q. Cao, R. Song, C. C. S. Chan, Z. Wang, P. Y. Wong, K. S. Wong, V. Blum, and H. Lu
Cavity Engineering of Perovskite Distributed Feedback Lasers
Q. Dong, X. Fu, D. Seyitliyev, K. Darabi, J. Mendes, L. Lei, Y. Chen, C. Chang, A. Amassian, K. Gundogdu, and F. So
Room-temperature superfluorescence in hybrid perovskites and its origins
M. Biliroglu, G. Findik, J. Mendes, D. Seyitliyev, L. Lei, Q. Dong, Y. Mehta, V. V. Temnov, F. So, and K. Gundogdu
Influence of Annealing and Composition on the Crystal Structure of Mixed-Halide, Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites
N. E. Wright, X. Qin, J. Xu, L. L. Kelly, S. P. Harvey, M. F. Toney, V. Blum, and A. D. Stiff-Roberts
Structural descriptor for enhanced spin-splitting in 2D hybrid perovskites
M. K. Jana, R. Song, Y. Xie, R. Zhao, P. C. Sercel, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi
High-temperature superfluorescence in methyl ammonium lead iodide
G. Findik, M. Biliroglu, D. Seyitliyev, J. Mendes, A. Barrette, H. Ardekani, L. Lei, Q. Dong, F. So, and K. Gundogdu
Metal Halide Perovskites for Laser Applications
L. Lei, Q. Dong, K. Gundogdu, and F. So
Application of Atomic Layer Deposition in Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cells
D. Wang, Q. Huang, W. Shi, W. You, and T. J. Meyer
Organic-to-inorganic structural chirality transfer in a 2D hybrid perovskite and impact on Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
M. K. Jana, R. Song, H. Liu, D. R. Khanal, S. M. Janke, R. Zhao, C. Liu, Z. Valy Vardeny, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi
Pentacene and tetracene molecules and films on H/Si(111): level alignment from hybrid density functional theory
S. M. Janke, M. Rossi, S. V. Levchenko, S. Kokott, M. Scheffler, and V. Blum
A molecular tandem cell for efficient solar water splitting
D. Wang, J. Hu, B. D. Sherman, M. V. Sheridan, L. Yan, C. J. Dares, Y. Zhu, F. Li, Q. Huang, W. You, and T. J. Meyer
Efficient Energy Funneling in Quasi‐2D Perovskites: From Light Emission to Lasing
L. Lei, D. Seyitliyev, S. Stuard, J. Mendes, Q. Dong, X. Fu, Y. Chen, S. He, X. Yi, L. Zhu, C. Chang, H. Ade, K. Gundogdu, and F. So
MatD^3^: A Database and Online Presentation Package for Research Data Supporting Materials Discovery, Design, and Dissemination
R. Laasner, X. Du, A. Tanikanti, C. Clayton, M. Govoni, G. Galli, M. Ropo, and V. Blum
Operational stability of perovskite light emitting diodes
Q. Dong, L. Lei, J. Mendes, and F. So
Molecular engineering of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites quantum wells
Y. Gao, E. Shi, S. Deng, S. B. Shiring, J. M. Snaider, C. Liang, B. Yuan, R. Song, S. M. Janke, A. Liebman-Peláez, P. Yoo, M. Zeller, B. W. Boudouris, P. Liao, C. Zhu, V. Blum, Y. Yu, B. M. Savoie, L. Huang, and L. Dou
Resolving Rotational Stacking Disorder and Electronic Level Alignment in a 2D Oligothiophene-Based Lead Iodide Perovskite
M. K. Jana, C. Liu, S. Lidin, D. J. Dirkes, W. You, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi
Aryl-Perfluoroaryl Interaction in Two-Dimensional Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites Boosts Stability and Photovoltaic Efficiency
J. Hu, I. W. H. Oswald, H. Hu, S. J. Stuard, M. M. Nahid, L. Yan, Z. Chen, H. Ade, J. R. Neilson, and W. You
Direct-Bandgap 2D Silver–Bismuth Iodide Double Perovskite: The Structure-Directing Influence of an Oligothiophene Spacer Cation
M. K. Jana, S. M. Janke, D. J. Dirkes, S. Dovletgeldi, C. Liu, X. Qin, K. Gundogdu, W. You, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi
Synthetic control over orientational degeneracy of spacer cations enhances solar cell efficiency in two-dimensional perovskites
J. Hu, I. W. H. Oswald, S. J. Stuard, M. M. Nahid, N. Zhou, O. F. Williams, Z. Guo, L. Yan, H. Hu, Z. Chen, X. Xiao, Y. Lin, Z. Yang, J. Huang, A. M. Moran, H. Ade, J. R. Neilson, and W. You
Tunable internal quantum well alignment in rationally designed oligomer-based perovskite films deposited by resonant infrared matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation
W. A. Dunlap-Shohl, E. T. Barraza, A. Barrette, S. Dovletgeldi, G. Findik, D. J. Dirkes, C. Liu, M. K. Jana, V. Blum, W. You, K. Gundogdu, A. D. Stiff-Roberts, and D. B. Mitzi
Stereochemically active lead chloride enantiomers mediated by homochiral organic cation
L. Zhu, Y. Huang, Y. Lin, X. Huang, H. Liu, D. B. Mitzi, and K. Du
Tunable Semiconductors: Control over Carrier States and Excitations in Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
C. Liu, W. Huhn, K. Du, A. Vazquez-Mayagoitia, D. Dirkes, W. You, Y. Kanai, D. B. Mitzi, and V. Blum

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Research Highlights

Room-temperature Superfluorescence in Hybrid Perovskites
F. So, K. Gundogdu (NC State U.)
Common Perovskite Superfluoresces at High Temperatures
Franky So and Kenan Gundogdu (North Carolina State University)
Quasi 2D Perovskite Laser
K. Gundogdu, F. So (NC St. U.)
HybriD3 Experiment Training Workshop
V. Blum, D Mitzi (Duke); W. You, Y. Kanai (U. NC)K. Gundogdu, F. So (NC St. U.)
HybriD3 Materials Database
Volker Blum, Duke University
HybriD3 Theory Training Workshop
W. You, Y. Kanai (U. NC); D. Mitzi, V. Blum (Duke U.)
HybriD3 Theory Training Workshop
Volker Blum (Duke University), Yosuke Kanai (U. North Carolina)
2D Iodide-based Double Perovskite Templatedby Oligothiophene Spacer Cation
K. Gundogdu (NC State U.), W. You (U. NC), V. Blum, D. Mitzi (Duke U.)
Tunable Semiconductors: Organic-inorganic Hybrids
W. You, Y. Kanai (U. NC); D. Mitzi, V. Blum (Duke U.)
Curated Materials Data of Hybrid Perovskites
Volker Blum (Duke University)
Resolving Stacking Disorder in Layered Peovskites
W. You (U. NC), V. Blum, D. Mitzi (Duke U.)

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