Common Perovskite Superfluoresces at High Temperatures

Light–matter interactions can create and manipulate collective many-body phases in solids, which are promising for the realization of emerging quantum applications. However, in most cases, these collective quantum states are fragile, with a short decoherence and dephasing time, limiting their existence to precision tailored structures under delicate conditions such as cryogenic temperatures and/or high magnetic fields. In this work, it was discovered that the hybrid perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3 thin film, exhibits superfluorescence, at 78 K and above. Pulsed laser excitation first creates a population of high-energy electron–hole pairs, which quickly relax to lower energy domains and then develop a macroscopic quantum coherence through spontaneous synchronization. These results show that the creation and manipulation of collective coherent states in hybrid perovskites can be used as the basic building blocks for quantum applications.