Accelerated Discovery of Artificial Multiferroics with Enhanced Magnetoelectric Coupling

Project Personnel

Li Yang

Principal Investigator

Xiaoqin Li

Xia Hong

Keji Lai

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR)

Developing new materials lays the foundation for technology innovations. When one material is integrated with another, new properties and functionalities can emerge in the resulting heterostructure. The choice of building blocks, however, is a challenge that is best addressed with a collaborative approach combining computational methods, material synthesis, and a broad range of characterization methods. This research will tackle a long-standing material science challenge: how to create multiferroics materials that combine long-range electric and magnetic orders. Artificial multiferroics consisting of layered magnetic two-dimensional (2D) materials interfaced with ferroelectric 2D or oxides materials will be investigated. Because the interface between the electrically ordered (ferroelectric) layer and magnetically ordered (e.g., ferromagnetic) layer is atomically flat, an enhanced coupling between the two can be used to effectively switch the magnetic order via the electrical control. These new materials can lead to technological innovations, e.g., memory devices that are compact and power-saving. Given the large number of possible choices of 2D materials, machine-learning based data mining will lead the experimental effort in synthesis and characterization of new multiferroic heterostructures in this research.

Project Website


Electrostatic moiré potential from twisted hexagonal boron nitride layers
D. S. Kim, R. C. Dominguez, R. Mayorga-Luna, D. Ye, J. Embley, T. Tan, Y. Ni, Z. Liu, M. Ford, F. Y. Gao, S. Arash, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Kim, C. Shih, K. Lai, W. Yao, L. Yang, X. Li, and Y. Miyahara
Interface-Tuning of Ferroelectricity and Quadruple-Well State in CuInP2S6via Ferroelectric Oxide
K. Wang, D. Li, J. Wang, Y. Hao, H. Anderson, L. Yang, and X. Hong
2D Piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, and ferroelectrics
W. Zhu, X. Hong, P. D. Ye, and Y. Gu
Anisotropic Excitons Reveal Local Spin Chain Directions in a van der Waals Antiferromagnet
D. S. Kim, D. Huang, C. Guo, K. Li, D. Rocca, F. Y. Gao, J. Choe, D. Lujan, T. Wu, K. Lin, E. Baldini, L. Yang, S. Sharma, R. Kalaivanan, R. Sankar, S. Lee, Y. Ping, and X. Li
Physical Vapor Transport Growth of Antiferromagnetic CrCl3 Flakes Down to Monolayer Thickness
J. Wang, Z. Ahmadi, D. Lujan, J. Choe, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. Li, J. E. Shield, and X. Hong
Electric field tuning of magnetic states in single magnetic molecules
Y. Lu, Y. Wang, L. Zhu, L. Yang, and L. Wang

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Research Highlights

Electrostatic Moiré Potential from Twisted Hexagonal Boron Nitride Layers
Xiaoqin Elaine Li and Keji Lai (U. TX-Austin) Li Yang (Washington U.)
Interface-Tuning of Ferroelectricity and Quadruple-Well State in CuInP2S6 via Ferroelectric Oxide
Xia Hong (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Li Yang (Washington University in St. Louis)
Undergraduate Research on 2D Ferroelectrics
Xia Hong (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Li Yang (Washington University in St. Louis)

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)