High Throughput Design of Metallic Glasses with Physically Motivated Descriptors

Project Personnel

Dane Morgan

Principal Investigator

John Perepezko

Dan Thoma

Paul Voyles

Izabela Szlufarska

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)

In order to discover new aluminum- and magnesium-based bulk metallic glasses with superior glass-forming ability, the team will execute a dual-loop iterative materials design approach. A rapid materials design loop will provide high-throughput materials discovery by integrating experimental and simulated data with machine learning methods. An unprecedented body of experimental data on glass forming ability and basic mechanical properties will be generated by combinatorial 3D printing synthesis, followed by rapid optical, microscopy, thermal, and nanomechanical characterization. A similarly unique database of liquid and glass thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural properties will be determined by automated, high-throughput ab initio molecular dynamics. Machine-learning methods, trained on the data and physically motivated descriptors from existing experiments and the ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, will search a space of up to hundreds of thousands of potential alloys for the most promising candidates, which will then be synthesized, characterized and used to refine the models. Slower descriptor design loop studies will study select alloys in detail with fluctuation electron microscopy and extensive simulations to develop improved descriptors, which will then be incorporated into the rapid materials design loop and further validated by their predictive ability. This work will produce the first set of large-scale databases with both true measures of glass forming ability and extensive thermophysical data from simulations, and integrate them to generate physical descriptor driven machine-learning models for iterative new metallic glass search and discovery. The PIs also plan to release the MAterials Simulation Toolkit Machine Learning (MASTML) as open source and build a user community around the language by ensuring that interested researchers are able to contribute to the MASTML codebase. This will allow a wider growth of the project. This aspect is of special interest to the software cluster in the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, which has provided co-funding for this award.


Machine Learning Prediction of the Critical Cooling Rate for Metallic Glasses from Expanded Datasets and Elemental Features
B. T. Afflerbach, C. Francis, L. E. Schultz, J. Spethson, V. Meschke, E. Strand, L. Ward, J. H. Perepezko, D. Thoma, P. M. Voyles, I. Szlufarska, and D. Morgan
Molecular dynamic characteristic temperatures for predicting metallic glass forming ability
L. E. Schultz, B. Afflerbach, I. Szlufarska, and D. Morgan
Hydrogen embrittlement of additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel 316 L
K. M. Bertsch, A. Nagao, B. Rankouhi, B. Kuehl, and D. J. Thoma
Exploration of characteristic temperature contributions to metallic glass forming ability
L. E. Schultz, B. Afflerbach, C. Francis, P. M. Voyles, I. Szlufarska, and D. Morgan
High-throughput ion irradiation of additively manufactured compositionally complex alloys
M. Moorehead, P. Nelaturu, M. Elbakhshwan, C. Parkin, C. Zhang, K. Sridharan, D. J. Thoma, and A. Couet
Microalloying effect in ternary Al-Sm-X (X = Ag, Au, Cu) metallic glasses studied by ab initio molecular dynamics
J. Xi, G. Bokas, L. E. Schultz, M. Gao, L. Zhao, Y. Shen, J. H. Perepezko, D. Morgan, and I. Szlufarska
Origin of dislocation structures in an additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel 316L
K. M. Bertsch, G. Meric de Bellefon, B. Kuehl, and D. J. Thoma
Experimental validation and microstructure characterization of topology optimized, additively manufactured SS316L components
B. Rankouhi, K. M. Bertsch, G. Meric de Bellefon, M. Thevamaran, D. J. Thoma, and K. Suresh
High-throughput synthesis of Mo-Nb-Ta-W high-entropy alloys via additive manufacturing
M. Moorehead, K. Bertsch, M. Niezgoda, C. Parkin, M. Elbakhshwan, K. Sridharan, C. Zhang, D. Thoma, and A. Couet
Influence of solidification structures on radiation-induced swelling in an additively-manufactured austenitic stainless steel
G. Meric de Bellefon, K. M. Bertsch, M. R. Chancey, Y. Q. Wang, and D. J. Thoma
Short-range order structure motifs learned from an atomistic model of a Zr50Cu45Al5 metallic glass
J. J. Maldonis, A. D. Banadaki, S. Patala, and P. M. Voyles
An Investigation Into the Challenges of Using Metal Additive Manufacturing for the Production of Patient-Specific Aneurysm Clips
B. J. Walker, B. L. Cox, U. Cikla, G. M. de Bellefon, B. Rankouhi, L. J. Steiner, P. Mahadumrongkul, G. Petry, M. Thevamaran, R. Swader, J. S. Kuo, K. Suresh, D. Thoma, and K. W. Eliceiri
StructOpt: A modular materials structure optimization suite incorporating experimental data and simulated energies
J. J. Maldonis, Z. Xu, Z. Song, M. Yu, T. Mayeshiba, D. Morgan, and P. M. Voyles
Synthesis of Sm–Al metallic glasses designed by molecular dynamics simulations
G. B. Bokas, Y. Shen, L. Zhao, H. W. Sheng, J. H. Perepezko, and I. Szlufarska
Nucleation kinetics in Al-Sm metallic glasses
L. Zhao, G. B. Bokas, J. H. Perepezko, and I. Szlufarska

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Research Highlights

The Information Skunkworks
Dane Morgan and Paul Voyles (University of Wisconsin)
High Throughput Design of Metallic Glasses with Physically Motivated Descriptors
Dane Morgan and Paul Voyles (University of Wisconsin)
Materials Simulation Toolkit
Dane Morgan (University of Wisconsin)

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)