Accelerating the Design and Development of Engineered Photonic Materials based on a Data-driven Deep Learning Approach

Project Personnel

Yongmin Liu

Principal Investigator

Michael Carter


Wenshan Cai

Sunil Mittal


Alexandra Boltasseva

Eric Harper


Arash Ahmadivand


Advances in photonic materials that generate, process, or detect light can transform diverse areas of science and engineering, including lasers, optical fiber communications, augmented and virtual reality displays, solar energy harvesting, as well as quantum computing and sensing. By rationally engineering the composition and/or structure of materials at various length scales, it is possible to dramatically enhance their optical responses and performance. However, the traditional approach for the discovery and development of new photonic materials relies on trial-and-error and case-by-case explorations, which are often time consuming and ineffective. This project will use advanced artificial intelligence techniques to develop new artificial photonic materials that can be engineered to have prescribed properties and surpass naturally occurring materials. The research seamlessly integrates materials science, photonics, engineering, physics and artificial intelligence. In tandem with research, the team will develop a multi-channel education program to enhance the learning experience of a broad spectrum of the society, and prepare the next-generation workforce and technology leaders.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)