Accelerating the Design and Synthesis of Multicomponent, Multiphase Metallic Single Crystals

Project Personnel

Tresa Pollock

Principal Investigator

Frederic Gibou

Anton Van der Ven

Matthew Begley

Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)

Unprecedented advances in computational capabilities, advanced characterization techniques and the ability to generate and harness large-scale data enable new pathways for the design and synthesis of a broad array of advanced materials systems. However, critical gaps exist in the infrastructure for multiphase, multicomponent metallic materials, where the design space is extraordinarily large and synthesis processes are complex and expensive. A multidisciplinary UCSB team will develop an integrated framework for design of multicomponent, multiphase single crystal alloys. Novel complementary computational and experimental tools developed will be integrated with existing tools to address fundamental barriers that challenge the design and synthesis of a new class of L12-strengthened cobalt-base alloys. The emerging class of alloys promises to positively impact the temperature capability and efficiency of a broad array of high temperature propulsion and energy systems. The program will develop new capabilities that substantially enhance the iterative feedback process between design, characterization and synthesis, rapidly expanding the knowledge base for this new class of materials.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)