High-throughput Mapping of Functional Dielectric/Metallic Heterostructures

Project Personnel

Karin Rabe

Principal Investigator

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Matthew Dawber

SUNY Stony Brook


Xu Du

SUNY Stony Brook


Maria Fernandez-Serra

SUNY Stony Brook


Premala Chandra

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR)

In this project, the rich physics of three large families of artificially structured oxide materials are being studied using a synergistic combination of theoretical and experimental methods. The principal objective is to map the structure and properties of three selected broad families of superlattices (superlattices of SrMO3 where M=V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Mo or Ru combined with SrTiO3, PbTiO3 or LaMO3) spanning an enormous configuration space. These artificially structured materials, obtained by stacking atomically-thin layers of two or more different compounds, offer enormous flexibility in the choice of constituents, layer thickness, stacking sequence and choice of substrate, which can strongly influence their structure and properties. The approach being developed and applied in this project, integrating computational data-driven search and modeling methods with sophisticated first-principles analysis and state-of-the-art experimental synthesis and characterization of selected materials, allows the design and discovery of novel materials with specified functional properties enhanced and/or distinct from those possible in naturally occurring compounds, thus having the potential to enable transformative technologies.


Hidden fluctuations close to a quantum bicritical point
C. Morice, P. Chandra, S. E. Rowley, G. Lonzarich, and S. S. Saxena
Prospects and applications near ferroelectric quantum phase transitions: a key issues review
P. Chandra, G. G. Lonzarich, S. E. Rowley, and J. F. Scott
Photoinduced Domain Pattern Transformation in Ferroelectric-Dielectric Superlattices
Y. Ahn, J. Park, A. Pateras, M. B. Rich, Q. Zhang, P. Chen, M. H. Yusuf, H. Wen, M. Dawber, and P. G. Evans
Thermodynamic Measurement of Angular Anisotropy at the Hidden Order Transition ofURu2Si2
J. Trinh, E. Brück, T. Siegrist, R. Flint, P. Chandra, P. Coleman, and A. P. Ramirez
Coupling of bias-induced crystallographic shear planes with charged domain walls in ferroelectric oxide thin films
M. Han, J. A. Garlow, M. Bugnet, S. Divilov, M. S. J. Marshall, L. Wu, M. Dawber, M. Fernandez-Serra, G. A. Botton, S. Cheong, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn, and Y. Zhu
Revealing the Origins of 3D Anisotropic Thermal Conductivities of Black Phosphorus
J. Zhu, H. Park, J. Chen, X. Gu, H. Zhang, S. Karthikeyan, N. Wendel, S. A. Campbell, M. Dawber, X. Du, M. Li, J. Wang, R. Yang, and X. Wang
Electron-beam driven relaxation oscillations in ferroelectric nanodisks
N. Ng, R. Ahluwalia, A. Kumar, D. J. Srolovitz, P. Chandra, and J. F. Scott
Hastatic order inURu2Si2: Hybridization with a twist
P. Chandra, P. Coleman, and R. Flint
Ising quasiparticles and hidden order in URu2Si2
P. Chandra, P. Coleman, and R. Flint

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