Graduate Certificate in Data Science for the Chemical Industry and Data Science Internships

Meredith and Grover helped develop a new graduate certificate program consisting of four courses at Georgia Tech in Data Science for the Chemical Industry (DSCI).

Meredithand Grover  helped  develop  a  new  graduate  certificate program  consisting  of  four  courses  at  Georgia Tech  in Data Science for the Chemical Industry (DSCI).

The  two  PIs  received  the 2022  Curriculum  Innovation  Awardpresented  by  Tech’s  Center  for  Teaching  and  Learning  for  the development of the graduate certificate.
Two   chemical   engineering   graduate   students   funded   by   this DMREF   were   among   the   first   cohort   admitted   to   the   DSCI program in Fall 2020.
The two graduate students have •applied  the  concepts  they  learned  from  DSCI  classes  to  their current DMREF research activities, and they  have  used  learnings  from  the  program  to  bolster  data science-related opportunities at industrial internships.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)