Discovery, Development and Deployment of High Temperature Coating – Substrate Systems

UCSB DMREF students along with 55 other students from 15 countries had the opportunity to participate in the Summer School on Materials in 3D: Modeling and Imaging at Multiple Length Scales.

DMREF Materials Community Outreach Activities and Collaboration
UCSB DMREF students along with 55 other students from 15 countries had the opportunity to participate in the Summer School on Materials in 3D: Modeling and Imaging at Multiple Length Scales, organized by Pollock, August 18-30, (2013). 
A total of 25 junior faculty and faculty-bound graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (including DMREF students) participated in the Summer School on Integrated Computational Materials Science and Engineering. Van der Ven was a lecturer in this Summer School, held on July 14 – 25, (2014), at UCSB.
UCSB DMREF students had the opportunity to participate, along with 35 attendees from industry, universities (national and international) and government labs in a UCSB Workshop on Collection and Analysis of Big Data in 3D Materials Science, organized by Pollock, May 12 – 14, (2015)

The DMREF team is collaborating with the Rühr University of Bochum, where Professor Gunther Eggeler is the PI on a multi-institution SFB program on this new class of materials. Professor Eggeler had a sabbatical at UCSB in 2013. DMREF students Rhein and Titus had research visits to Germany in 2013 and 2014, respectively. An SFB student completed M.S. research at UCSB.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)