Supporting the COVID Community

PI Marder has been very active in the last six months on broader impact activities pertaining to

Seth Marder and Carlos Silva (Georgia Tech.)

PI Marder has been very active in the last six months on broader impact activities pertaining to:


•Returning safely to campus:


•Supporting the healthcare community with (i) hand sanitizer and (ii) disinfection of PPE:


•Issues facing women in science (Mater. Horiz., 2020, 7, 1933-1934, DOI:10.1039/D0MH90049D)


•Issues facing  the BLM movement, as well as mental health issues pertaining the students under duress during the COVID-19 pandemic:

For example, Marder has continued to advocate for diversity and was the only Caucasian male panelist on the 1st “Race at Georgia Tech: A Call to Action” discussion, which is to be the first in a series of such panel conversations on race in America featuring members of the GT community.

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