Advancing the State of the Art In Piezoelectric Materials through Industry Partnership

As a GOALI project, the relationship between the DMREF team led by Geoff Brennecka and industry partner, Broadcom, is key to the success of the project. Broadcom is a global leader in Thin-film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR) products and a major supplier of radio frequency (RF) filters to leading smartphone manufacturers. Advancing the state of the art in piezoelectric materials is key to Broadcom’s future success in this market. This project builds upon the strengths of the university collaborators in materials discovery, fabrication, and characterization, and leverages the applied expertise and complementary film growth and measurement capabilities of the Broadcom facilities in Ft. Collins, CO, just 60 miles from the Colorado School of Mines. Broadcom PI David Martin engages with the team through monthly team meetings. The DMREF team visited Broadcom for a full day all-hands project meeting. The meeting included a tour of the FBAR manufacturing and testing capabilities as well as in-depth technical discussions about the progress and plans for the project.