Educating High School Students at the Interface of Applied Mathematics and 2D Quantum Physics

The PIs tightly integrate the education and outreach program with the research in the frontier of low-dimensional materials systems. The PIs have been training graduate and undergraduate students in quantum matter research at the interface of experimental and theoretical science. This effort benefits students in their career development in both academia and industry. We also maintain a very tight outreach through the existing network setup via Harvard SEAS and University of Minnesota. DMREF students, postdocs and faculty participate in these event to inform and engage the public through discussions of the advanced nanotechnologies developed by the team and its effect on device technologies.

All PIs actively participated in online conferences as well as outreach program. Luskin and Wang organized a two-day math camp for junior high and high school students in the University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program, followed by a tour of the Wang lab and demonstrated exfoliation, flake characterization, and stacking.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)